Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Rise the Machine

Nearly a year ago there was a war going on between the NORMAL world versus the International Batty Mafia led by Rear Admiral Peter Tachell and his vast army of gays.

This war (which began in Biblical days when gays could not so easily have sponsored batty parades) , is a war that continues today in every aspect of our lives.

It is on the TV. It is on the Internet. It is on movies and sometimes even in church where there is molestation by false prophets and lesbians.

In this war, the normal people have won some battles but the International Batty Network is more powerful than ever and unless someone stands up to this deadly batty army, it will soon be the law that the gays may molest our boy-children in public and we can't do nothing.

This is why Killbattymans has returned. To fight these batty powers, one gay at a time.


1 comment:

Evilous said...

Brimstone an Fiah!! It is wrong!